
St Vincent's high school will be celebrating it's sesquecentennial year from 27th September 2016 to December  2017

We the art committee are moving a step forward to encourage the students towards art through activities. Art is a form of expression blending inner talent with nature around . To celebrate this glorious event we are doing wall painting, jute bags painting, warli painting on wall,ceramic pots and canvas painting. To inculcate the passion for art we will be conducting an art workshop for those skilled and interested students. An art exhibition cum sale will be held on 8th 9th 10th December 2016 to culminate all the passionate work done to showcase them to the Vincentian family.


APX versus school team, football match was practice time for the school team for the Times Claris 20-20 tournament , APX supports the school in its sports venture and progress. Match started at 8 am sharp.

The Association of Past Xavierites, APX played a practice match vs the school team and present were students of the school, management, staff and alumnus, another bonding exercise between all stakeholders of the institute.


Association of past Xavierites (APX) members participated in Environment Day celebrations at St. Xavier's School Loyola Hall, Ahmedabad as part of World Environment Day. The Chief Guest was Mr Amam Shah of Gujarat Samachar, the largest selling dailuy in Gujarat


APX ( Association of Past Xavierites, St Xavier's High School Loyola Hall Ahmedabad ), TEXAS ( The ex Xavierites Association of Surat, St Xavier's Surat ) and EXAM ( ex Xavierites Association of Mandali , St Xavier's Mandali ) are some associations of Gujarat Province which have celebrated the Independence Day today, by having the traditional Flag Hoisting, and other sports and cultural events.

Happy Independence Day to all, let us all pledge to move forward in a United, cohesive and inclusive manner, and contribute our bit for this country. Our spirit should be evident for 365 days and the road map must be laid today to be followed for the rest of the year.


St. Xavier's High School Loyola Hall celebrated the Feast of St.Ignatius of Loyola (falling on 31 July) , APX members participated in a large number and won a 'battle' in the tug of war versus the younger and fitter students. Other events too were hosted and a large gathering comprising of students, alumni/ae, staff and management joined in the revelry.

An apt way to celebrate the Feast and also taking this opportunity to wish all Jesuits and everyone a Happy Feast!


The Association of Past Xavierites (APX) , Gujarat Province , hosted a volleyball tournament on the school volleyball court ( St. Xavier's High School Loyola Hall ). Members played from 7 pm to midnight, cheered on by family members, supported by the management and also present and participative were invited teams.

As the school breaks for the summer vacation, this was the last official APX event for this term and next is the AGM scheduled for the last week of May.

Earlier in the day, APX members were also present in a function organised by the management to bid farewell to a senior teacher Mrs. Rosario, retiring after 31 years, she started as a teacher and retired as a head mistress of the primary section. A noteworthy contribution by the SESA ( Shantiniketan ex students association ) in Zankhvav, rural Gujarat , is to run a Government school , effectively.



The Association of Past Xavierites ( APX ) hosted the annual musical and dinner program yesterday 1 April. The performers were alumnus as well and the revellers included the management, staff, alumnus along with family members.

The evening started off at 6.30 pm and after the musical rendering, dinner was served. A large number of the Xavier's parivar enjoyed the proceedings, also present were 5 retired teachers , all over 88 years young and they were honoured. The alumni/ae always invites retired teachers over 80 along with all current staff, teaching, non teaching and ground staff included.

This is a great bonding platform for all stakeholders or collaborators which include the management, staff and alumnus, also students, parents and benefactors at relevant occasions.


The Association of Past Xavierites ( APX ) , the alumni/ae association of the St. Xavier's High School Ahmedabad played a volleyball match versus the school staff team including the Principal and past PCA Fr. Durai. The match was watched by the students of the high school. The match was played at 8 am today morning and the alumni members had refreshments after the game.

This is an apt exercise in bonding between the alumnus, staff, students and management. Volleyball is an ongoing sports activity on the school grounds, the alumni and students play every evening and bond as well as exercise.


The Association of Past Xavierites, (APX) , the alumni/ae association of the St. Xaviers High School Loyola Hall Ahmedabad , celebrated the Republic Day by attending the Flag Hoisting on the school grounds along with the students, staff, management and guests. Patriotic songs were also rendered by the students.

Later the annual cricket match between APX and HL college alumni was played, this year on the HL college grounds, this is an annual feature on 26 Jan, a traditional and friendly revelry between two premier alumni associations of the city. HL college is a non Jesuit college, so this is indeed a bonding and networking exercise to have between the two associations, and share ideas, thoughts and also partner in awareness and productive programs.



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