St Xavier’s High School Loyola Ahmedabad :staff and students in a huge number and a few alumni at Sardar Patel Stadium, participating and celebrating World Yoga Day
St Xavier’s High School Loyola Ahmedabad :staff and students in a huge number and a few alumni at Sardar Patel Stadium, participating and celebrating World Yoga Day
St Xavier’s Gandhinagar commences it’s 50th Year celebrations. Hon’ble Governor of Gujarat Shri O P Kohli, Bishop of Gandhinagar and Provincial of Gujarat graced the occasion.
A crowd of more than 5000 attended the event. More than 500 Alumni registered for the event and around 600 attended. Great support of Fr Durai in realising these participation numbers.
Kalol Ex Xavierites Association ( KEXA ) at their annual meeting and get together. Present were some 350 alumni/ae along with PCA Fr Charles , JAAG representatives and staff of the Kalol St Xavier’s.
We invite you and your family to come back to school on 5th January 2019 (Saturday) from 7.30pm onward for an evening of fun and nostalgia. Meet your Batchmates, Teachers and Ex-Principals.
Music by "The Watts", Masti by The Boys along with Mouth Watering Food.
Please spread the word and Forward this email to your batchmates
St. Stanislaus High School, School Back Ground
Date: 5th January 2019 (Saturday)
Time: 7:30pm onwards
The St Xavier’s High School Loyola Hall Ahmedabad hosted its annual cultural NAVRATRI GARBA program on Sat 13 Oct. Due to traffic related parking issues the crowd though was curtailed and numbered over 6000 ( average 10000 plus ) and included students ( free entry sponsored by APX ) , alumni/ae, staff , management and benefactors .
The Garba started at 8 pm with the inter class competition, followed by AARTI and then the revellers has a great time . Indeed an amazing program supported by all collaborators and stake holders of the Institute
APX vs Loyola school team football match , 30 July mrg 10.30 am , part of the celebrations on the Feast of St Ignatius
APX won 4/0, a special thanks to the management, APX players to take time out on a working day , ground staff , students who cheered both teams and the Loyola team for their efforts , a wonderful bonding and meaningful way to celebrate the Feast
The schools reopened on 23 rd June and along with the academic year the sports activity also kickstarted. APX ( Association of Pat Xavierites , St Xavier’s High School Loyola Ahmedabad ) gave the trophies for the interclass football , cricket and basketball games and were present to witness the same . Along with education the Jesuit institutes encourage and inspire sports which is an integral part of a students overall development and growth . The management is the backbone for such activity and kudos to their efforts and vision
JAAI President Dr. Devendra Singh visited Goa from 12th to 15th April 2018.
Thanks to John Neelankavil (WUJA), Gerard Mascarenhas (Jt. Secretary JAAI) and Francisco Xavier Da’Costa (JAAI-WZ President) for taking a keen initiative and arranging the meeting with Loyola Ex-Students’ Association !
Present :