
Jesuit Alumni of Ranchi Province (JARP) had its General Assembly today at St. Xavier's College, Ranchi, in which Office-Bearers for the next year were elected.
St. Ignatius Alumni Association, Gumla was inducted into the JAAI fold formally. Prabhat Tara High School, Ranchi has already incubated its Alumni Association, and they shall seek membership of JAAI by end of January 2020.
Five more Jesuit Schools in Ranchi Province have been earmarked for formation of Alumni Associations in the next One Year, and they too shall be brought into the fold of JAAI by or before 31.12.2020.
JAAI President Dr. Devendra Singh pitched for good participation from the Ranchi Province for the 9th JAAI National Congress to be held at Trichy in January 2020.

St. Xavier’s DORANDA in association with District administration and DORANDA Old Xaverians start the road safety drive. St. Xavier’s and DOX will be working together with district administration in other schools as well

St Xaviers Alumni Association (SXAA), Patna organized the 2nd Shyama Prasad Memorial Inter-School Sit & Draw Painting Competition today at St Xavier's School, Patna in which more than 500 students from all the premier schools (26 in nos.) of Patna participated.
Yesterday, the painting Competition was organized by SXAA for all the students of St. Xavier's in which more than 2500 students participated.
For Class I & II:
I love trees or I love healthy foodFor Class III, IV & V:
If I had wings... or My best dream.For Class VI & VII:
Visit to a famous monument of Bihar or My city Patna.For VIII, IX & X
My favourite painting of a great artist or humpty dumpty sat on wall.. Illustrate second line with your creativity and imaginationFew glimpses of event is as below:

St. Ignatius Alumni Association, Gumla, Jharkhand conducted a tree plantation drive on 25th August 2019.
Rev. Fathers, GC members and Jesuit Alumni/ae,
We are honoured to cordially invite you to the NJAAI Milan 2019 - the JAAI-North Zone Alumni/ae Congress to be hosted by Jesuit Alumni/ae Association of Patna Jesuit Province (JAAP) at St. Xavier’s High School, Patna on 14 – 15 September 2019. The tentative schedule of events is available below.
We shall endeavour to make the event a successful one, however it goes without saying that it cannot happen without your participation & active contribution.
You may please use the google form: https://forms.gle/DK4C4nw1329LGANA7 to make an on-line Registration
Kindly send your confirmations by 5th September 2019 to enable us to ensure you have an enjoyable and comfortable stay. We look forward to your response at the earliest and receiving you at Patna.

St. Xavier's Alumni Association (SXAA), Patna organized a Career Counselling Session on 5 Aug'19 for students of Class XI & XII of St. Xavier's School, Patna. The panel of experts for the session were:
- 1) Col. Prem Prakash, Sena Medal (1976 batch) - an eminent educationist, an expert and currently Principal, Radiant International School.
- 2) Sri Vijay Sinha (1981 batch) - Commandant, 9 Bn National Disaster Response Force (NDRF), Patna
- 3)Sri Vishnu Choudhary (1982 batch) - Sr. Architect, a famous consultant of the town and Director, Choudhary Kumar Consultant Pvt Ltd
- 4)Sri Amitabh Pandey (1987 batch) - renowned graphic designer and senior communication consultant at UNICEF, Bihar

St Xavier's College Alumni Assn, Ranchi (AROX) के तत्वावधान में आयोजित वृक्षारोपण कार्यक्रम में