Flood Relief, Sahibganj

We know, of all the things that mankind has, money holds an imperative place in this materialistic world. No one out there lends a penny without any motive. We suffered the same when our town, Sahibganj, was hit by floods. Thepandemic had already swallowed the lives of the bread winners of some families. Havingno work and nowhere to go, people had resorted to working anywhere to fill their stomachs, but who knew that they hadn't seen the worst yet. In the middle of August, the monsoon came in a deluge, wreaking havoc on people, killing those who were already close to death and oppressing the oppressed.
St.Xavier's School, Sahibganj, stands out as the epitome of love and care and has done a lot for the people during the Pandemic. We had thought of helping these people who were hit by the floods, but little did we realize thespectrum of tasks to be done to provide relief to the people.
We raised funds from our staff and students but these were insufficient. Havinglost sight of our goal we didn't know how to proceed, but someone had rightly said," DO GOOD AND YOU'LL SEE THAT GOD SHALL SEND SOMEONE TO ANSWER YOUR PRAYERS", and it so happened that we received a whopping amount of Rs. 50,000 from you( Loyola Alumni, Jamshedpur).
Our vision nowwas clear, we had funds now, and putting each drop of our sweat and blood for the noble cause the school stood as one, as if it was meant to do this.
With the funds arranged we were able to provide meals to almost 700 people and reach out to almost 650 families with food packages.
St. Xavier's School, Sahibganj, shall forever be indebted to your generous contribution towards making life easier for the flood stricken people. May God be with you and guide you towards the horizon of such good thoughts and positivity.
May you have enough to help mankind whenever in need.
What better way to celebrate the Ignatian year!
Loyola Alumni Association, Jamshedpur,received this and immediately sent Rs 50,000/
It was followed up with a visit of a team consisting of the President, Fr. Pius Fernandes, and alumni Dr. Amit Mukherjee and Ronald DCosta.
“God has his own ways to inspire.”
Fr. Hilary D Souza S.J.
Principal, St. Xavier's School, Sahibganj