SSESA Career Guidance Programme for Std. X Students

On June 12th, 2021, the St. Stanislaus Ex-Students Association (SSESA) & Vinay Pinto, Secretary SSESA organised a Career Guidance Programmes for Std. X students. The objective of the programme was to give the children an exposure to myriad real-life career options and show them the pathways to achieve success in each.
All the career talks were delivered by dynamic young ex-Stanislites who have demonstrated success in their field. The speakers were Brian Almeida on Marketing, Andrew Simoes on Human Resources, Dr. Ranjit Nair on Engineering & IT, Dr. Sailesh Advani on Medicine, Sumit Advani on Studying Abroad, Chef. Rohit D’Souza on Hospitality and Col. Asad Shaikh on a career in the Armed Forces. The programme was superbly moderated by Peter D’Souza.
The programme was broadcast live on YouTube and received over 500 views by the first day. It can be now viewed on the St. Stanislaus YouTube page: