SPICES : The 15th Congress of JAAI South Zone

31-December-2017 to 01-January-2018
The 15th Congress of JAAI South Zone. was held at : Loyola Public School, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh from: 27th to 29th December 2017.
The Theme : Networking for Communal Harmony.
Main Host and Convenor : Rev. Fr. Rex Angelo SJ, PCA, Andhra & Telangana Province.
Host Alumni Body : Alumni Association of Loyola Public School, Guntur.
Speech by POSA George Pattery,SJ Provincial of South Asia
Spices Report
Highlights :
- Approximately 300 Registered Delegates from 5 states ( Andhra, Telangana, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Kerala) and Pondicherry.
- Most of the delegates were hosted free of cost in the Boys' Hostel at the School, and all meals and refreshments were served in the Hostel's Mess. Excellent local food. Excellent bakery products, cakes and cookies from the school's in-house bakery.
- Conference was arranged in the Central Quad of the School, Open-Air.
- Inaugural Session addressed by the local ArchBishop, Provincial of South Asia Rev Fr. George Pattery SJ, Provincial of AP & Telangana, House Superior, JAAI President Dr. Devendra Singh, South Zone President CA S. Chenthilkumar and PCA Fr. Rex Angelo.
- Business sessions on 27th December ended at 4 pm. A celebrity speaker shared his experiences on importance and skills of Networking. JAAI President took a business session on Communal Disharmony : Causes, Effects & Bailout. After evening tea, Volleyball and Football matches, Tug of War were arranged between alumni teams of different provinces. Some delegates preferred swimming in the evening. House of Friendship and informal dancing by night.
- Day 2 (28th) started with the GC Meeting of South Zone where Nominations for the SZ GC Body for 2017-2020 were made and election of SZ Office Bearers was held. Mr. GV Krishna Reddy of Guntur was elected SZ President, Mr. Pradeep Kumar Madhavan was elected Vice President and Dr. Richard Gonzalves of Mangalore was elected Secretary.
- Business Sessions of Day 2 started with a Report of the WUJA Congress held at Cleveland, USA. Report was presented by JAAI President Dr. Devendra Singh. In Session 2, reports of individual Alumni Associations and respective Provinces were shared. Post-lunch, a bus tour of Amravati Buddha Stupa, Amravati Secretariat and Mother Mary's Place at Vijaywada was conducted. The day closed with a tour of Andhra Loyola College and a Cultural Presentation at Andhra Loyola College followed by Dinner.
- Day 3 saw the Change of Guard of South Zone. CA S. Chenthilkumar laid down his office and handed over his reigns to GV Krishna Reddy for the next 3 years.
A successful, well arranged, well attended and well participated conference indeed.
Alumni Organization: