APX participates in 80th School Sports Day

The St.Xavier's High School Loyola Hall ( Ahmedabad ) celebrated and held its 80th Sports Day on Sunday, 30th November. The event started at 9 am and went on till 12 noon. The athletes of the school showcased their skills and class in various heats and events, witnessed by thousands, comprising of students, staff, management, alumni members, parents, guests and benefactors.
The APX ( Association of Past Xavierites ), which is the alumni/ae association of the school, took part in the march past, a contingent of the members marched alongside the school dens, and also took part in the cycle race and 100 mts. dash, kept aside specially for the alumni/ae members. Members also join in the practice sessions along with the school students, almost for a week before the event in the early mornings. Some members also were invited to give away prizes. After the sports meet, the members were invited for snacks, along with the staff and management of the school. This is an occasion where a bonding is forged between the alumni, staff, management and students.