APX facilitates a Drug awareness/prevention drive

APX (Association of Past Xavierites) recently facilitated a substance/Drug awareness/prevention drive, for the students of STD 6th of  St.Xavier’s High School Loyola Hall. The program was conducted  by the students of Std 11th from the  prestigious school AIS as part of their project. 

Necessary information was shared and so many queries were raised by the young students which brought both, concern as well as hope for the youngest generation, this is one of the most important issues and we all should raise hands and try cleanse the environment of this evil. 

The management (I/c Principal & staff) of the Primary section was most supportive and are doing their best to educate the students about these evil addictions which are a curse and bane to the families and society as well.

Another great initiative was a cyber crime awareness program/ campaign facilitated by team APX on request by the XICA management at St. Xavier college. Kudos to the management for understanding the need for such programs. 

These are the need of the hour and we should use our goodwill and resources to facilitate these programs across our institutes.

The World Day of Social Justice 2025 theme is “Empowering Inclusion: Bridging Gaps Of Social Justice,” focusing on the importance of inclusive policies and social protection in managing systematic inequality. 

On Thursday morning, Feb 20th,a team of young aspiring students at law gave inputs and insight on the significance & depth of this day to rhe students of St.Xavier’s High School Loyola Hall, this is an initiative of the District Legal Service Authority, facilitated by APX and supported by the mangement of the school. 

Team APX is committed to conduct and organise such programs which helps the students, families and society at large. Team APX 
