A real tribute to a cricket legend must have a sound of 'thud' when the bat meets the ball, shouts of 'howzzthat' , all on the well laid green field. That's exactly what our old chaps did on the field. Our very own Kohlis and Jadejas worked hard to surpass the score.
Four teams representing four houses competed for the coveted N. D. MARSHALL Trophy.
The final tally was:- 1. Blue vs Greens Winners : Blues house Captain : Mohd.Tariq (2002) Man of the match : Gaurang Pareek(2018) 2. Golds vs Reds Winners : Golds House Man of the match : Subin Chako (2003) FINALS Blues vs Golds Winners: BLUES HOUSE Man of the match: Amol Pareek (2016) Best fielder:- Puneet Sharma Best bowler:- Mohammed Tariq (2002) Best batsman:- Sidharth Lamror (2004) Player of the tournament:- Amol Pareek (2016).