Foundation Stone of VISION 2020 PROJECT of St. XAVIER'S SCHOOL laid on Saturday 09.12.2017
In a simple ceremony yesterday morning at 8.30 am, the Provincial Superior of Ranchi Jesuit Province Rev. Fr. Dr. Joseph Marianus Kujur SJ led a prayer service before laying the Foundation Stone of the Vision 2020 Academic Block Complex at St. Xavier's School, Doranda.
Doranda Old Xaverians, who have made a commitment of financial support of Rs. 2,00,00,000 (Indian Rupees Two Crores only) were present in good numbers. JAAI President Dr. Devendra Singh, along with DOX President Sumit Khemka, Principal Fr. Ajit Kumar Xess, the teachers' representatives, the staff representatives, the parents' representatives, the students' body representatives and the builder's representatives assisted the Provincial Superior in laying the foundation Stone.