After a huge success of 2 seasons of DOX Cricket Tournament, the Executive team decided to start DOX Football League to the annual DOX calendar.
DOX Football League (DFL) would be conducted professionally with proper Logistics & infrastructure and will be facilitated by the DFL Subcommittee, which comprises of volunteers from DOX. The Event is planned on 4th & 5th August, which is a weekend at St. Xavier’s School, Doranda.
Convenor for the Event is Mr Manish Kumar and Co Convenor is Mr Vishal Patodia.
Team Owners: Mr Vishal Jain, Mr. Taranbir Singh Sahni, Mr. Alok Minocha, Mr. Abhishek Victor, Mr. Sanika Soy, Mr. Piyush Agarwal
Name of Teams: Gonzaga United , Xavier’s Pride, Denobili Eagles, John De Britto FC, Loyola Rangers, and Berchman’s Rovers.