The Association of Past Xavierites (APX) , Gujarat Province , hosted a volleyball tournament on the school volleyball court ( St. Xavier's High School Loyola Hall ). Members played from 7 pm to midnight, cheered on by family members, supported by the management and also present and participative were invited teams.
As the school breaks for the summer vacation, this was the last official APX event for this term and next is the AGM scheduled for the last week of May.
Earlier in the day, APX members were also present in a function organised by the management to bid farewell to a senior teacher Mrs. Rosario, retiring after 31 years, she started as a teacher and retired as a head mistress of the primary section. A noteworthy contribution by the SESA ( Shantiniketan ex students association ) in Zankhvav, rural Gujarat , is to run a Government school , effectively.