APX ( Association of Past Xavierites) partook in the farewell of the 12 Std students today mrg, 1 st March.
The management, staff and 11th Std students as well as APX spoke and expressed their wishes for not only the upcoming board exams but also the journey beyond, today being their last day at school. APX welcomed the outgoing students into their fold and explained the alumni hierarchy and what all it is all about.
The 11th Std students gave some sterling performances as they gave a warm farewell to their seniors.
All the stakeholders ( management, staff & students, alumni/ae, parents & benefactors ) together made this a memorable & huge moment for these students as they took home so much they have derived over the years from their ALMA.
What a journey it has been for all of us who have been fortunate to walk the corridors of this temple of learning & institute par excellence…Loyola…Loyola…Loyola… Team APX